Inclusion & SEND

At Benedict, we believe that every child has the right to an excellent educational offer, and to achieve wellWe endure that, as an academy, pupils with SEND fully participate in the curriculum and achieve well.

Our special needs provision is underpinned by high quality teaching, as recommended by the SEND Code of Practice. We are supported by the London Borough of Merton Local Authority, to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.


What does SEND provision look like at our school?

We use daily formative and regular summative assessments to review where children are against the national curriculum objectives. Where children do not make sufficient progress, they are referred to the SENDCo.

Following a discussion with class teachers and parents, an initial meeting with parents/carers is held where information is gathered. SEND assessments are carried out after the meeting, and a plan put in place for additional support.

Some SEND assessments involve liasing with External agencies including Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists or a referral to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. From here, children join our Effective Intervention Cycle:

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Educational, Health and Care Plans

A small percentage of children on the SEND register may require an application to the Local Authority for an assessment of the child’s Education, Health and Care needs. This application needs to demonstrate that the child requires a very high level of support to make progress.