
At Benedict, we take pride in our presentation and like to look smart so we can think smart! 

To order items specific to the school, such as bags, ties and jumpers, order online from School Uniform Direct. Please note that all items are required uniform items unless otherwise specified. If an item is optional, it will have the * symbol next to it. Should you need any support with uniform, we have a selection of good quality, second-hand uniform available in the office.

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  • Navy jumper or cardigan with the Benedict logo 
  • Plain white polo shirt or white school shirt
  • Charcoal grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress 
  • Plain black, navy or grey socks or tights 
  • Black school shoes or plain black boots 
  • Navy book bag with school logo (Years N-2), or rucksack with the school logo (Years 3-6)*
  • Purple and silver tie (Years 3-6 only)


  • Navy jumper or cardigan with the Benedict logo 
  • Plain white polo shirt or white school shirt 
  • Grey shorts 
  • A lilac checked summer dress with white socks 
  • Black school shoes 
  • Navy book bag with school logo* (Years N-2), or rucksack with the school logo* (Years 3-6)
  • Purple and silver tie (Years 3-6 only) - unless wearing a summer dress

PE Kit

  • Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt. Alternatively, the white polo shirt with the navy Benedict Academy logo*
  • Plain grey/black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings with no logo
  • White or black trainers or grey plimsolls 

Additional items

  • Long hair must be tied back 
  • Hijabs should be purple, black or grey

Any hair accessories such as bows, beads and hairbands must be in neutral or school colours: purple, navy, black, grey, clear. 

  • Only stud earrings and a small watch are permitted in school 
  • If hair is coloured, it must be a natural colour