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Year 3 and 4 Class Ministers - Taliyah and Sharon

Year 3 and 4 Class Ministers - Taliyah and Sharon

Year 6

I loved being in Year 3, because we read so many excellent books!

There are some really amazing texts in Year 3 that I am sure I will never forget: ‘Stig of the Dump’ and ‘I am Malala’. I really enjoyed learning about the Vikings as well. I really enjoy representing Year 3 because they are kind, courteous and respectful, and they are particularly show fantastic sportsmanship.

I really enjoyed lessons in Year 4 because I had a great teacher, who made learning really engaging. We have him as our Year 6 teacher again now!

I really enjoyed swimming and cooking in DT. We read some really tough books with interesting themes in Year 4; 'The Iliad', 'Journey to Jo'burg'. Learning about the Apartheid in South Africa really helped us to better understand the history around racism and help support us to make decisions as a school to be anti-racist. I can't wait to support the children in Year 4 this year; some have applied to be school librarians and are off to a great start!